Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dad, Mrs. Incredible, me, mom, and Mr. Incredible
This is me sitting on a wagon. It was hot out so dad got this apple juice. The only thing was that it smelled icky and I wasn't allowed to have any. He said it was grown up apple juice. It's ok though, mom had juice boxes in the backpack for me.
Me and mom on Mr. Toads wild ride car.
This is me and a whale at SeaTac. He's eating me! EEEEEE! It tickles! Heehee!
That's mom, me, pluto, and dad!
Dad, Minnie, me, and mom! I love Minnie! She was so nice to me! She gave me hugs and blew me kisses! I gave her hugs and kisses too! I bet if I had that green convertible I wanted, Minnie would want to be my girlfriend!
Dad, Mickey, Me, and Mom!
Mom, Me, Goofy, and Dad.
Get me outta here! I thought this cat was going to eat me! I was soooo scared! I wouldn't have been though if I had my sword! That cat would have been a scaredy cat!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Look! I'm driving again! This time I didn't crash at all. I totally got to drive an awesome green convertible. Where I live, you only get to drive convertibles in the summer time. I think I did such a good job that my mom and dad should buy me one. Mom!! If you buy me one, I'll drive to the store for you! Plus if you get me a convertible, when I'm 0lder I will have lots of girlfriends. I heard girls like boys with nice cars. Sweet!!!! She said for my next birthday we can go to WalMart and I can pick out any power wheels I want! Woooo!!!
This is me and brier fox and brier bear. Oh and my mom and dad! Brier fox and bear thought a was sooo cool that they were fighting over who got to hold me in the picture. I think I grew 20 inches by the time they decided!
It's me again!! Mom made my ears for me! She said they wouldn't have Eugene size there. How silly is that? Anyways, we are about to get on the Jungle Cruise. On that ride you see so many wild animals. We got so close to them, that if they wanted to, they could have jumped right into the boat! I even saw a man that shrinks heads. You'd think that if Disneyland has someone that shrinks heads in their park, they would at least consider selling hats my size.
This is me at Midieval times. There was a real life king, prince, and princess! There were also knights there. Our knight was the red and yellow one. He was not a very good knight! I could have done way better then him. I have a sword of my own and I am so good at using it! Sometimes when the coyotes come around our house, I get my sword out and I scare them all away. Anyways, our knight lost. :(
This is me at the airport! See that wagon train down there? My suitcase is on there. Mom put rainbow ribbons on my suitcase so I could find it when it was twirling on that one merry-go-round thing. I wanted to twirl on it too, but dad said I would get squished. I'm going to fly airplanes someday! Maybe I'll take one of you somewhere someday!

My Trip to Disneyland!

This is me, my mom, and my dad. Oh! and Woody! He's a real life cowboy! I didn't like him though. He was mean to me. He set me on his shoulder and I started to fall. He grabbed me and then...and then...*sniff*...then he hit! Mom was mad at him! Dad was mad too, especially when Woody wouldn't give me back! I thought I was going to have to stay with that monster forever!
This is my family again. We all have our Mickey ears on. See my tee shirt? It says "My First Trip to Disneyland" Everyone thought I was so cute! They asked my parents if they got me from Disneyland. I didn't know you could buy children there. When I grow up I am totally going to get my kids from Disneyland.
This is me and Jessie! She was dressed like Woody, only she was nice. I liked her!
This is me locked up. I wasn't even bad. Mom just thought it would be a funny picture. We took this little raft to Pirate Island. I didn't see any least live ones. It was totally scary! I saw dead pirate bones! Dad told me they were the bones of the lost children and that was why I needed to hold someones hand. I started to cry, but then he told me he was just joking.
Hehehehehehehe! I wasn't really driving this car, but doesn't it look like it? Don't worry, it's not even a real car. That is however Goofy's mailbox. I even visited his house!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Simian City Craze

Simians desire new Chocolate covered Bananas
SIMIAN CITY--Ever since the Banana Bonzana Chocolate store released their new product, Choco Bananas, more and more monkeys have been desiring the delicious treat.
"I knew they where going to be big. I never thought they'd be THIS big." Says the owner of the store, Monty Monkey.
The treats are made simply. Take unpeeled bananas and dip them in chocolate, then leave them in the freezer for about twenty minutes. Take them out and enjoy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Monkey Madness!

Summer activities are in swing in Monkey Mania, even though the summer's gone.
Many Monkeys are enjoying Tree Climbing (Cheeky climbing a tree above).
Others like boating, swimming, biking, and other things like camping. Get your humans to take you out for one last biking trip or swimming outing.
------Cheekalina, Cheeky's wife.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Day in Simian City

Head reporter Erin is with you again!
In Simian City, the streets are alive with sock monkeys. Walking to school, walking to work, walking to spend the day's all in the morning from seven to nine.
The streets are quiet for awhile.
And then comes the lunch break, with simians dashing out from offices, shopping centers, and some from schools. The Banana Buffet is open, and the Simian City Central restaurant is open.
School is out next, and shopping is beginning. Banana Republic is popular. So is Simian Studios.
The crowd thins at dinner time, and then the night is alive with monkeys. Monkeys dash to hair studios, monkeys dash out to the Simian Skating rink, and out on late night movies.
The streets are empty around eleven pm. Monkeys go to bed to get prepared for a new day.

What's up in Monkey Mania

This is head reporter Erin for Simian city, the town of the monkeys of Cheeky Monkey Mania.
This week: Sweater monkeys invade! Striped, spotted, black or white. These colorful creatures are soft and friendly. They are great for younger humans to squeeze.
More: Monkeys are now in the Eugene branch of Made in Oregon.
Something Else: Play the game on our own Simian site,
One More Thing: One of us monkeys is in Thailand!

Monday, September 7, 2009

HI Again! It's been awhile! I've been out looking for new adventures. Mom says its more like trouble, but I think she's wrong. Today dad and I found a baby snake! It was sooooo cool! I wanted to keep it but mom has a "no snakes in the house" policy. It was the perfect size for me and I tried to hold it in my hands, but it kept squiggling around. The snake almost killed me! I was petting it and all of a sudden it tried to bite me. It could have poisoned me to DEATH! Dad said the snake didn't have any poison, but I think it did! I named it Squig before we let it go. I miss him!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Become a fan of CheekyMonkeyLove on Facebook!

Hi all you cheeky monkeys out there. I want you to know that there is a CheekyMonkeyLove Facebook page. Feel free to post your pictures and stories there too!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rialto Beach

This is my first time at the beach! I went with my mom and grandpa. Rialto Beach is near Forks Washington for all you crazy Twilight people. Mom said I can't read those books...mostly because I can't read. Anyways, the first thing I did when I got to the beach was to climb a tree. I'm really good at it!

Next I got my picture taken with a starfish. I liked him and wanted to take him home with me. Mom said no. She said he needed to stay on the beach and live with his family. I agree. I wouldn't like it if someone took me away from my family.

We walked on the beach to a place called "The Hole in the Wall". You can only get to it when the tide is out. This is me and mom at the "hole". I'm waving to grandpa!

This is me and mom in front of the waves. I thought they were kind of scary because they were so big, but I was brave for this picture.

Dad couldn't come on our hike. He had to work. I wanted him to know that I wanted him to be there. Mom helped me write this in the sand. I love my dad. He wrestles with me and plays catch with me! Hi dad! I love you!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sunny Side Up

Hi again! This blog is on sun tanning! It doesn't get very hot here most of the year, but when it does, my mom and dad like to go tanning. Before we even left the house my mom got out the sun screen. It was a pink bottle with a little girl on it. there was also a little dog pulling down her diaper. I insisted that I didn't want any of that stinky stuff on me. First off because the bottle was pink! Second off, it had a little dog on it. I saw what what PJ did to Yoda!!! If that little dog was pulling on that girls diaper, imagine what he could have pulled off of me! *gasps at the thought* Well my mom, she just laughed at me! The nerve! My life was in danger and she didn't care! She made me put that nasty greasy stuff on anyways. She also made me wear a hat. I didn't complain about the hat though because dad says I look awesome! This first picture is of me tanning my tummy! I'm listening to my dad's MP3 player. I love the "Banana Song" by Raffi. I wanted to take my diaper off so I wouldn't have tan lines, but mom said I couldn't post my pictures if I was naked.

Now I'm reading...well pretending to read. I can only read the "Where's Waldo" books, because they are only pictures.

Now I'm getting my back side. Mom says I have a cute hiney!

Just chilling here. Mom went to get me some juice so I wouldn't get dehyderated.

Phew! Not only is it hot out here, but I'm hot. Hey Mom!! Can I get a pool?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monkeying around at the zoo

Hi! This is me and my parents. They took me to the Portland Zoo
with them. My mom is camera crazy and had to take my picture with
all the silly bronze animals. I of course being the good son I am
went along with it and made sure I gave her my biggest smile possible.
Well, I have to go now. My mom has some chores for me. Keep an eye out for
my future comments and pictures. My mom keeps making and buying me outfits.You'll want to see how cute I am!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cheeky Monkeys Improve Odds For Sleeping Kids

We won't guarantee that Cheeky Monkeys will make your kids fall asleep in the car, but it can't hurt! Sweet Dreams!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hi, I'm Danny!

Hi Everybody! I'm Danny and I'm new to the CheekyMonkeyLove blog. I like monkeys who are kind and willing to be friends with me. I always share my bananas and I'd like to invite you to utilize my spy services. My spy service is called "Spy Monkeys". Do you think someone is following you? I can help. Thank you monkeys of earth. Goodbye now.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Monkey Medical Breakthrough!

It's rare for a cheeky monkey to come across any kind of furry foe, however that's just the predicament a spunky monkey named Yoda found himself in last week. A chance encounter with a chihuahua named PJ left Yoda with a severe ear injury. Luckily, he was immediately rushed to the CheekyMonkeyLove medical center where, for the first time, a total ear replacement surgery was attempted.
Here is Yoda, prepped for surgery in a crisp hospital gown. You can see the damage to his left ear was quite severe.
From the back, you can see that a miracle was needed.
Extra care was taken to find a replacement ear of similar simian size.
The doctors worked tirelessly and the operation was a complete success. Yoda is safely back with his human and no worse for the wear. Although PJ better watch his back from now on.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sock Monkey New Year's Eve Sleep Over

Some sock monkey friends got together for a New Year's Eve sleep over party last night. They checked out all the current heart throbs...
caught up on all the latest trends...
tried on earrings...
overdosed on M&Ms...
and then it just plain got out of hand...