Saturday, September 12, 2009

Simian City Craze

Simians desire new Chocolate covered Bananas
SIMIAN CITY--Ever since the Banana Bonzana Chocolate store released their new product, Choco Bananas, more and more monkeys have been desiring the delicious treat.
"I knew they where going to be big. I never thought they'd be THIS big." Says the owner of the store, Monty Monkey.
The treats are made simply. Take unpeeled bananas and dip them in chocolate, then leave them in the freezer for about twenty minutes. Take them out and enjoy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Monkey Madness!

Summer activities are in swing in Monkey Mania, even though the summer's gone.
Many Monkeys are enjoying Tree Climbing (Cheeky climbing a tree above).
Others like boating, swimming, biking, and other things like camping. Get your humans to take you out for one last biking trip or swimming outing.
------Cheekalina, Cheeky's wife.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Day in Simian City

Head reporter Erin is with you again!
In Simian City, the streets are alive with sock monkeys. Walking to school, walking to work, walking to spend the day's all in the morning from seven to nine.
The streets are quiet for awhile.
And then comes the lunch break, with simians dashing out from offices, shopping centers, and some from schools. The Banana Buffet is open, and the Simian City Central restaurant is open.
School is out next, and shopping is beginning. Banana Republic is popular. So is Simian Studios.
The crowd thins at dinner time, and then the night is alive with monkeys. Monkeys dash to hair studios, monkeys dash out to the Simian Skating rink, and out on late night movies.
The streets are empty around eleven pm. Monkeys go to bed to get prepared for a new day.

What's up in Monkey Mania

This is head reporter Erin for Simian city, the town of the monkeys of Cheeky Monkey Mania.
This week: Sweater monkeys invade! Striped, spotted, black or white. These colorful creatures are soft and friendly. They are great for younger humans to squeeze.
More: Monkeys are now in the Eugene branch of Made in Oregon.
Something Else: Play the game on our own Simian site,
One More Thing: One of us monkeys is in Thailand!

Monday, September 7, 2009

HI Again! It's been awhile! I've been out looking for new adventures. Mom says its more like trouble, but I think she's wrong. Today dad and I found a baby snake! It was sooooo cool! I wanted to keep it but mom has a "no snakes in the house" policy. It was the perfect size for me and I tried to hold it in my hands, but it kept squiggling around. The snake almost killed me! I was petting it and all of a sudden it tried to bite me. It could have poisoned me to DEATH! Dad said the snake didn't have any poison, but I think it did! I named it Squig before we let it go. I miss him!